Sunday, July 10, 2011

July 9, 2011 Picton

I get up early, usually around 6:00AM. Perhaps it’s because we go to bed so early, say 9-ish. Or perhaps it’s because the birds start screeching once the day begins. It’s usually then that I do the blog update.

So, I made a pot of coffee and sat in the cockpit with the computer on the companionway hatch and spent a couple of hours updating the blog and catching up on e-mails. We had been without wireless for 3 days. It’s a pretty time of the day to be up.

Lew got up and cleaned his fish first thing. After breakfast of bacon and eggs, we decided to do some boat maintenance for the first time on the trip. We varnished the fiddles around the sink and fridge areas. It went quick but the varnish was still sticky at night and was a pain to try and avoid contact with all day.

I rode to Canadian Tire (my favorite store) about 1 mile from town and got some new fishing equipment that holds worms in a tasty looking fashion, then to the LCBO and then to the grocery. Kerry spent about 3 hours shopping with Gretchen.

About 4:30 we spoke on the phone. I told her to hurry back and I would make her a martini and we could cruise the harbor in the Annie M. I once called the Vermilion police to ask if we could do that there. They said it was not recommended, but not illegal. Well, apparently that is not the case in Canada. While talking to a boat owning clerk in a store, Kerry told her our plans. She said please not to do that and explained that the Picton police hide in under cover boats in the Prince Edward Yacht Club and arrest people drinking and boating. She had friends handcuffed and hauled away! We were sure glad to have that info, and changed our plans.

After cocktails we did go for our cruise. Lew was fishing so we checked on him too. Just small ones today. Kerry rowed us across the bay while I made a few unsuccessful casts with a plastic minnow. All of a sudden we ran into something and stopped dead. She had rowed into the side of a moored sailboat - no owners aboard thankfully!

Yesterday I said we were in 30’ docks. From looking at the picture I posted they look more like 20’ I hope it is not windy when we leave or we will have some trouble. The marina is pretty much a dump. A new young lady Jen is trying to restore it. This one dock section we are on is new, but the bathrooms are terrible. Being “remodeled” of course, but there are no hooks, mirrors, toilet paper (sometimes) etc. There are 3 stalls available. One is out of order and this morning (Sunday) someone had left the water on all night and flooded another, so we are down to one.

Dinner was at the Coach restaurant last night and was very good. Kerry had a Caesar salad, Lew had mussels and something else, Gretchen and I had fish and chips. Tomorrow we go to Prinyers cove for a night of anchoring. We were finally able to get a 3 day reservation at Kingston but had to move our reservation up one day as Friday was not available. We go there Tuesday through Thursday. We probably will not have wireless again until then.

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