Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 1, 2011 Hanlans Point, Toronto

I was awake early, like 5:15 and itching to go. Kerry agreed so we got up, made coffee, etc. and woke the Grays. We said we wanted to get an even earlier head start. They understood and could not have been more pleasant about it. I promised to let them throw me out at 4:00 AM the next time we visited them. After coffee and tea they left and we set sail at 6:20. Not many boats on the water at that time. The trip was 11.3 nautical miles. We were anchored two hours after we started out.

Once I got here we found out that the place filled up on Wednesday! No way to get a dock this holiday weekend. We did find a great anchorage and were lying in our hammock when Windchaser arrived. We rafted together on my hook. Lew and I fished without success. We each have our $56 license. Usually we catch one good fish which makes it a tasty but an expensive one. The swans here are great beggars!

I seem to have a developing electrical problem. The panel lights that indicate when power is on are coming on for all my 4 mast lights, even when they are off. They are brighter when the switch is on. All the lights work. We shut the batteries off and the little panel lights stayed on. Same thing when we shut off the main switch on the electrical panel. I did not like that. Possibly power from the solar panels is responsible for that? When I disconnect the boat wires that go to the mast light wire, the little lights go off. So that’s what I have done. Any ideas? I have a call into Kip for his thoughts. Lew and I are stumped. We thought it may be a bad ground. I cleaned all the connections without success.
Dinner was taco salads on Windchaser. While we were eating the Toronto police came and questioned/inspected us. Satisfied, they wished us well and left.

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