Saturday, August 6, 2011

August 5, 2011 Point Breeze NY

I was up early and planned to ride with Lew to take the car back. But he had the engine started as was gone before I could catch him. I decided to start loading pictures for the blog posting. Something is wrong with my laptop because it takes 5-10 minutes to post a picture. Consequently I type the blog into Word while I am posting pictures, then paste it into blogger.

The trip to Point Breeze was pleasant. We had a following wind of about 10 knots. I had the genoa open and the motor on, and often we were making over 7 knots. It was cool on the water, unlike on land where it was hot and humid. The trip covered 27.4 miles and took 4 hours and 15 minutes from start to end. We did not see anything unusual today, except a motor boat towing a sailboat at a pretty fast speed. When we arrived at Point Breeze we noticed all the sailboats backed in, as the docks were so short it made it easier to get on and off the boats. We did the same, one of the few times we have ever backed into a dock. It worked out very well.

We docked next to a nice couple who owned a pretty Hunter 386, Mike and Sally. Mike helped us dock, hook up to a working electrical outlet and gave us a orientation to the facilities. It was really hot so he accepted our offer of our arrival dark rum and tonic. We had a nice chat with him and he told us of his trip through Lake Erie and the Welland taking his boat home from Michigan.

I put line on my new fishing pole and tried my luck from the bow of Excalibur. The new pole did not change it. One fisherman in a boat about 15 yards from me hooked a big pike, his fourth one he said. This one ultimately got away. He was using something called a rattletrap lure.

Somehow we let ourselves run almost completely out of ice, as did Windchaser. We had hoped they sold ice at the marina office, but they did not. There was a convenience store about 1/2 mile away, too far to walk. Another very nice docker next to us, Marsha offered to drive me to a restaurant where I could buy ice. I accepted and thanked her profusely. While waiting for the ice, I saw lots of delicious fried fish being served and got really hungry for fish and chips. Marsha is a solo sailor. She owns a nice Columbia 32. She had planned to spend the summer sailing, but back surgery changed her plans. She is a clinical psychologist at a school so she has the summer free. She and Mike and Sally really made our stay at Point Breeze enjoyable.

We enjoyed grilled Italian sausages on Excalibur tonight. They were very good too. The smoke kept trying to sneak under my bimini. I used a plate to fan it out as best I could, not wanting Excalibur to smell like a big sausage! After dinner, Mike and Sally toured Excalibur and we toured their boat. We said good bye as they were going home for the evening and we were leaving at 7:30 AM on Saturday. Port Dalhousie is some 50+ miles away. We will be back in Canada again, and I have to say goodbye to my internet hookup through the Verizon network, and go back to local wifi.

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